Our Story

Building a generation of entrepreneurs, for good.

Who We Are

Founded in 2021, General Pacific Capital PLT (Known as General Pacific, abbreviated GP) is a Venture Builder & Advisory House located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, that works with daring entrepreneurs & investors to build great companies.

General Pacific is stage-agnostic, working with ideation up until late stage companies to expand and do good. The GP team covers the Agricultural & Food Technology sector for entrepreneurs, with expansion unto consumer and industrial sectors in the future. For investors, the GP network extends from Individual Investors, Family Offices, up until Venture Capital & Private Equity. Irrespective of the types of entrepreneurs & investors, the GP network members are united to an overarching goal:

To build companies, for good.

Working with our extensive network of advisors and affiliates ranging from multinational corporates, grassroots leaders and academic institutions, we are able to build bridges internationally across multiple disciplines and sectors, harnessing their collective expertise for our clients in Southeast Asia.

Why SE Asia

Southeast Asia represents one of the most dynamic and fastest growing regions in the world, with:

A combined population of 646 million people
A combined GDP of USD $2.767 trillion

Southeast Asia also commands approximately one-fifth of Global FDI inflow annually, making the region one of the most attractive investment destinations globally.

With a growing middle class, rapid urbanisation, vast natural resources, a young and rapidly digitising population, Southeast Asia as a region has potential to become a transformative market for any business or institution especially in the Agricultural & Food Technology sectors.